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U.S. ZIP Code 12063

5-digit United States postal code #12063, East Schodack, NY

ZIP code 12063 is located in the city (place name) East Schodack, сounty Rensselaer in the state of New York. The population in ZIP code 12063 is 444 and the population density is 120.3. ZIP code 12063 refers to сounty Rensselaer having сounty FIPS 36083, the ratio of people from different counties in this ZIP code is as follows: all county weights - 36083: 100%. In the area of the ZIP code 12063 valid time zone America/New_York.

ZIP: 12063

County: Rensselaer

Place Name: East Schodack

State: New York

State Abbreviation: NY

Coordinates: 42° 33' 54.18" N, 73° 38' 15.288" W

Latitude: 42.565050000000
Longitude: -73.637580000000

Population: 444

Density: 120.3/km2

Time zone: America/New_York

County FIPS: 36083

All county weights: 36083: 100%

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See also:

All zip codes in County: Rensselaer

All zip codes in Place Name: East Schodack