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List of US ZIP codes by population

In our list of zip codes of the United States by population, you can find the largest zip codes by population, and the most sparsely populated. For convenience, you can specify the population range-minimum and maximum value to see a list of all zip codes that meet the search query.
Zip Population
38619 5004
43403 5004
32686 5003
48416 5002
17053 5001
17004 5000
72933 4999
37818 4998
19504 4998
54106 4997
16229 4997
57022 4996
01719 4996
55972 4995
77358 4993
29810 4990
11980 4990
79536 4988
55963 4988
02892 4988
03033 4987
78014 4987
08518 4986
06043 4986
86334 4985
95365 4985
05676 4984
54484 4984
43723 4984
38049 4984
85701 4983
32431 4983
08559 4982
55358 4982
67951 4981
70342 4979
72422 4979
05089 4979
76531 4978
48363 4978
05450 4977
36451 4977
85736 4975
30557 4975
85256 4974
76633 4973
67871 4973
55320 4973
12887 4972
35442 4972
00741 4971
83455 4970
89705 4969
60964 4968
33876 4968
07758 4967
44440 4967
81435 4965
85004 4965
55921 4964
57262 4963
24064 4963
31806 4962
49265 4958
99326 4956
78025 4956
62239 4954
42629 4953
24368 4953
03032 4953
78605 4952
49073 4951
83336 4951
46928 4951
54739 4950
52730 4950
53523 4949
33920 4947
63873 4947
52776 4947
60165 4946
36477 4946
12170 4945
30521 4944
77514 4942
07420 4942
46554 4942
16121 4941
74120 4940
55037 4940
71486 4940
63127 4939
65037 4938
02642 4937
06088 4936
47660 4934
21638 4934
71417 4932
99664 4932
40437 4932
70354 4931
42053 4931
10532 4931
35186 4931
65656 4929
33493 4926
31006 4923
21758 4921
65686 4920
54727 4915
23089 4914
35971 4914
29817 4913
77659 4910
15033 4910
63068 4909
29544 4909
46590 4908
46914 4908
35772 4908
02738 4907
85193 4906
48095 4906
26034 4905
81652 4904
50324 4903
21111 4903
28479 4903
54730 4903
20622 4900
98812 4899
31642 4898
68788 4898
26601 4898
63382 4897
01740 4897
61739 4897
14510 4895
87047 4894
45697 4894
37150 4894
62033 4894
92397 4894
85925 4893
49042 4892
18507 4891
76177 4891
29142 4890
08027 4888
68763 4887
98359 4887
72442 4886
53033 4885
21716 4885
36352 4885
24066 4883
76059 4881
07627 4881
96727 4878
78370 4877
44676 4877
01984 4875
43440 4875
44672 4874
37616 4874
65051 4874
24482 4872
54555 4872
13082 4871
47462 4871
51247 4870
37307 4870
76821 4869
61025 4867
29048 4864
53039 4863
29684 4862
27874 4861
17814 4860
61911 4860
65689 4859
29692 4856
04950 4855
22936 4853
01741 4852
12498 4851
04239 4851
98840 4851
04843 4851
48866 4851
32628 4850
99003 4848
62466 4848
62060 4847
49245 4845
01612 4845
67026 4845
53807 4843
39175 4843
95619 4842
